A correspondence blog

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sarah at Sundance - Week 4

Hi friends!

Things are really getting hectic around here. I have been on the customer service phones for the last two days. Last weekend was locals individual ticket sales; two 13 hour days in a row! I just wrote a blog post about some of the underlying issues of ticketing when there's high demand - because I field a lot of the complaints in this department.

Today has definitely been a highlight - we got our "uniforms" which is a Kenneth Cole winter coat and puffy vest to wear during the festival. And we got our official credentials for venue access with our photos on them, plus our staff tickets to movies and the closing night award party. And we got our housing assignments -- I'm staying in a condo right up the street from where I live now, so I can still walk to work - I'm thrilled.

This weekend is "best of fest" where we give out free tickets to locals for the award-winning films that are rescreened after the festival ends, and ticket pick up begins for people who bought online - it's going to be busy! I'm in charge of crowd control because we have huge lines form in front of the box office - so as you can imagine, me being a bossy-pants, I really enjoy this job. I just wish someone would give me a megaphone.

Because we don't really get weekends off in the box office, we each get a day or so off during the week. It's a winter wonderland here - I'll post photos soon.

I'll keep you updated with any celebrity sightings during the festival (our first one in the box office last weekend was Olympic speedskater/Dancing with the Stars contestant Apolo Ohno). It's supposed to be at all the press/industry screenings that the production/artistic crew shows up because they have to help sell the film to the industry people. Jim Carrey and Ewan Mcgregor should come for their film "I Love You Phillip Morris" and Ashton and Demi and gang for "Spread" and Robin Williams for "World's Greatest Dad." There are a lot more, but we'll see when they show. When you tell people who are in line for tickets about this, they get much happier.

More soon!
lots of love,

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