A correspondence blog

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Greetings from Seattle!

Dear friends,
I’ve been here for just one week, and feel like I’ve already seen more than my fair share of adventure. I arrived at the Seattle/Tacoma airport Tuesday morning last week, and hopped in my rental car to drive to my temporary place in Fremont. (I was very excited, as I just turned 25 and this would be my first rental car experience!) After being lost for three hours, I decided it was time to use that iPhone my brother bought me for Christmas (he was afraid I would get lost living in a new city.) I pulled over and, by the grace of God, the GPS indicated that I was only a few blocks from my destination. I backed up to get back on the road, but had neglected to notice the car that had pulled in behind me. The guy got out to assess the damage and gave me a cold stare. I was not off to a good start in the friend-making department.

Thankfully I found the apartment, and returned my rental car intact. I was not able to endure the two weeks I had paid in advance for my temporary place, however. I had an inkling that the guy might be weird (after we had finalized our deal, he mentioned that the house would be “clothing optional”. I ensured him that I would be keeping my clothes on.)

I will spare you the ugly details, but one week later I am living in a lovely new apartment on Capitol Hill with a delightful (and fully clothed) new roommate named Sarah Marshall. Yes, like the movie. I am enjoying the people, the food (holy canole, these people do seafood right!), the sights, and even the weather. The library itself is like a work of art, and there are a billion fun things, arts and otherwise, going on just in my neighborhood alone. Anyway, I wanted to give you all an update. I am meeting my boss for lunch tomorrow (wish me luck!), and am antsy to get to work first thing next week.
I miss you all, and hope you’re having as much fun as I am!

p.s., my new number: 812.734.5694

1 comment:

CLARE E. C. said...

I'M HERE and will call you on Sunday! Literally just arrived a couple of hours ago, and am checking the www while I have a connection in my new place. I'm alive, barely, after the four day trek across the country... More later... :)