A correspondence blog

Friday, January 9, 2009

January, Month of In-Between

I thought about all of you this past week who began internships! I hope the first week was grand, for those of you who this applies to. I love reading everyone's blog posts.

I'm in the in-between time of having finished the semester and waiting to pack up my belongings in my car and move across country. Every day I do a bit of craigs-list-ing, as I haven't yet found a place to live. Am I stressed about this situation? Yes. Looking forward to the 3-day road trip? It will be interesting. Jessica and I both start at SIFF on February 2, so I'll have more to report then. 

Over the holidays, I spent almost two weeks with my parents in Alabama. I hit up all the Southern hot spots (sarcasm?) from Birmingham to Jackson, Mississippi (my birthplace) and Atlanta. Had the best biscuits of my life in Atlanta, and some yummy Cajun food in MS. Started saying "y'all" again. Never had to wear my big black puffy coat. Actually went for a walk one day in shorts and a t-shirt. Saw "Milk." Read Richard Yates' "The Easter Parade." Played the piano. 

This week I picked up several hours at my old job (pre-grad school) at the harp store, and have been working on recording some music on the harp for the scene transitions in the production of "True West" that I'm stage managing. Which leads me to...

...For those of you still around Bloomie, come see Gabe and Brett Gloden in Sam Shepard's "True West" directed by Rich Perez. January 16, 17, 22-24 at 8 pm and January 17 at 2 pm in the Rose-Firebay at the JWAC. Check bloomingtonarts.info or newplays.org for more information, of course. 

 It still feels strange to not see all of you every day, but it's great to read your updates, so keep them coming! 

Much love.

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