A correspondence blog

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sundance photos

Hey guys,
My first post-school job has ended. I road-tripped home from Sundance this week. I wish I had written/blogged more during the time, but I was running on not much sleep as it was. I just got up some of my photos, I don't know if this link will work, but they're on facebook for your perusal.
It was amazing overall. I never met Robert Redford, a personal disappointment, but I saw a lot of other pretty cool stuff. A lot of films, a few celebrities, a lot of nice people I worked with. I'm job hunting again for my next seasonal job at a festival; I have had a few interviews this week - we'll see what happens. I learned a lot about ticketing at Sundance, but I don't want to get pigeonholed in that department in other orgs from this point forward.
I'm so glad everyone seems to be doing well, glad you're all blogging, I love reading the updates. I'll write more soon.
lots of love,

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