A correspondence blog

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hilarious. I'm glad this is a rockin Funk song instead of some wistful broadway tune.


Who's that man with the plan for building an audience for the actors?
Who's that gal making pals with those big symphony benefactors?
Sometimes you might see 'em
Strolling around some well-endowed museum.
You'll know sooner or later,
It's an Arts Administrator.

Take any art that cannot support itself on earned income.
They'll bring the smarts and the heart to help you put on the show and then some.
'Cause you know it ain't easy
Running a 501c3.
Still it's sweeping the nation,
It's Arts Administration.

I've seen 'em balance a budget
With a bake sale benefit.
Between the divas and the details
Any average mortal would quit.

Juggling that governing board
Buying things they can't afford
Driving in an old Accord
('Cause they can't buy a new one).
Getting all their goods in-kind
Starting with the end in mind
They're the best when in a bind.

Even if the muses infused your every breath,
Without their kind you might find
That you're an artist who's starved to death.
You'll need one sooner or later,
It's an Arts Administrator

Friend of every creator,
It's an Arts Administrator.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Greetings from Atlanta

I have been thinking a lot lately about the Midwest, Bloomington and my Arts Admin cohort. I hope you all are doing well and those still in the Midwest--I am sorry to hear about the tortuous snow storm! I am now living in Atlanta, Georiga and we had our "baby" snow storm at the beginning weeks of January. It would have been a bleep on the scene of winter snow falls for those in the Midwest or East coast but for the south it was monumental: 4-5 inches of snow! It was enough to shut down the whole city. I am currently pursuing doctoral work at Georgia State University, located in the heart of Atlanta's downtown, and my school was cancelled for 4 days due to the "snow storm". So, essentially my first days of being a new, green Teaching Instructor were postponed for a week.

I pursue work in communications and a current class on public memory really puts my mind back into the discussions we had during our arts admin classes: the role of the museum in forming public memory- its hegemonic roles, its silences, its approaches, its gatekeepers, its funders. I remember vividly having long debates on elite vs populist art perspectives and these conversations are coming back alive in my public memory class. I wanted to thank everyone again for those discussions and wish everyone well!

Lastly, if anyone is traveling through the Atlanta area send me a holla over FB and I can show you some of the museums within my new city: CNN, the HIGH, Coca-cola, the Margaret Mitchell house, Stone Mountain, and many nice neighborhood galleries!

Happy 2011-Courtney

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Development Opening

Sending along a job opportunity. Just imagine...you could occupy the office right next to mine. A dream for all of you, I know. (Actually we have great offices. You would have a window and an actual door.)

Director of Development
Anyone who has questions about the organization or position is welcome to email me.

Hope all is well with you!