A correspondence blog

Thursday, August 27, 2009

SOMEONE needs to update this thing.

Found out today I'm going to be on a panel for a living history conference here in Indy. Mostly focused on Underground railroad re-enactment. I will be sitting alongside Conner Prairie's Guest Experience Manager and a few other local arts admins. Sooo that will be fun.

And if any of you have family, friends, acquaintances that are Indiana principals, they will have received the YA program catalogue this week, edited by yours truly. I mostly worked from last year's template (per my boss's instructions), but it was an interesting challenge using InDesign for the first time. My big excitement now is researching companies that can turn the PDF into a cool digital flip book. The prices range from $20/month to $30/page annually(over $1500 for our catalogue). There seems to be some differences in the services between low range and high range prices. The most expensive have really great keyword search options and options to embed video and audio, but I'm not yet convinced that we need all the bells and whistles. If anyone has suggestions, send them my way.

I would really love to hear from some of you. I will resist my initial thought to list names of people who have yet to blog and just leave it at pleading.
