A correspondence blog

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

News from Natalia...

Hello! Masters of the Universe,

A twenty-something artist friend of mine told me about the Etsy website, http://www.etsy.com/, which prompted this post from me.

I've decided to work less this next year and barrel through the rest of the MAAA coursework this next year. That means I'll be looking for an internship soon, too. I plan to work in advocacy for the arts when I complete my degree, so an intership with Americans for the Arts (or similar organization) sounds ideal. Any other options you know about and have some experience with would be greatly appreciated. I am willing to move for the time period, if needed.

I attended the Salt Creek Sundance this past week-end, http://sc.saltcreeksundance.com/. Some of you know that my attendance at the Sundance in the summer of 2007 started me on the path that led me to begin the MAAA program with all of you that fall. I am grateful to that ceremony for many things in my life.

One more thing -I also want to encourage all of you to keep your spirits up, even in these uncertain times. You are a wonderfully talented, funny and intelligent group of young people. I can't wait to see what kind of lives you'll dream up for yourselves!

Take care and keep posting! :)
