A correspondence blog

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Greetings from Atlanta

I have been thinking a lot lately about the Midwest, Bloomington and my Arts Admin cohort. I hope you all are doing well and those still in the Midwest--I am sorry to hear about the tortuous snow storm! I am now living in Atlanta, Georiga and we had our "baby" snow storm at the beginning weeks of January. It would have been a bleep on the scene of winter snow falls for those in the Midwest or East coast but for the south it was monumental: 4-5 inches of snow! It was enough to shut down the whole city. I am currently pursuing doctoral work at Georgia State University, located in the heart of Atlanta's downtown, and my school was cancelled for 4 days due to the "snow storm". So, essentially my first days of being a new, green Teaching Instructor were postponed for a week.

I pursue work in communications and a current class on public memory really puts my mind back into the discussions we had during our arts admin classes: the role of the museum in forming public memory- its hegemonic roles, its silences, its approaches, its gatekeepers, its funders. I remember vividly having long debates on elite vs populist art perspectives and these conversations are coming back alive in my public memory class. I wanted to thank everyone again for those discussions and wish everyone well!

Lastly, if anyone is traveling through the Atlanta area send me a holla over FB and I can show you some of the museums within my new city: CNN, the HIGH, Coca-cola, the Margaret Mitchell house, Stone Mountain, and many nice neighborhood galleries!

Happy 2011-Courtney